This list is sorted by Playable
Characters, followed by Star
Piece Holders. Other Allies are
next, and the list finishes off
with Opponents. |
Playable Character (In order of
appearance) |
Mario |
Mario is the hero of the game,
and the main character overall.
He's on yet another adventure to
save the Princess Toadstool,
except this time, it's in a new
world, and of course, is an RPG.
Later on, the mission shifts to
the mysterious 7 Star Pieces to
repair the Star Road. Mario uses
weapons that include shells,
hammer, and his own fists. His
special moves include hurling
fire balls at enemies and
jumping on them. |
Mallow |
Mallow makes his debut in Super
Mario RPG. He meets Mario when
his coin is stolen. He once
thought he was a tadpole, but in
fact, he's just a puffy cloud
person who is actually a prince.
Not often that happens, is it?
Mallow has great magic,
including the power to send
thunderbolts on enemies, harness
the power of the stars, and heal
his comrades. Mallow likes to
use staves and cymbals, and on
occasion, his two fists. No
crying! |
Geno |
Geno, by far, is the most
mysterious character. Not only
in Super Mario RPG, but in the
Mario series as a whole.
Originally a tiny little
star-like being from the
heavens, Geno takes the form of
Gaz's doll. Geno is on a mission
to collect the Star Pieces and
repair the Star Road. He is a
powerful warrior with great
wisdom. Geno uses gun-like
weapons, and his special moves
have him using beams and light. |
Bowser |
Bowser is just not the same one
we've come to know and love. No,
he's not interested in capturing
Toadstool this time, he just
wants his castle back! The only
way to do that is to form the
most unexpected alliance in
gaming history: an alliance with
his nemesis, Mario. Bowser is
the most powerful party member,
with brute strength and a lot of
Hp. He uses chain links and his
claws to fight, or he'll crush
enemies with a pillar of earth. |
Princess Toadstool |
Princess Toadstool is not just the damsel
in distress in Super Mario RPG.
Finally, she wants to take
action, and not just let Mario
take care of the problem.
Toadstool leaves the Mushroom
Kingdom to wage war on those who
have broken the Star Road. She
uses the power of her all might
slap, and of course, the one and
only Frying Pan. Make her angry,
and she'll use her best move:
Psych Bomb. 'Splode! |
Star Piece Holders (In order of
appearance) |
Mack |
Mack guards the first Star
Piece. Mack takes over the
Mushroom Kingdom and starts to
terrorize it with his powers.
He's a giant knife like
creature, and he has a lot of
Shysters on his side. Mack has
power moves like Flame and Fire
Wall, and with the Shysters,
form a power team. Together,
Mario & Mallow are able to take
him down to recover the first
Star Piece! |
Bowyer |
Ever heard of Artemis' Arrows?
In Greek Mythology, Artemis was
a goddess who shot arrows down
and struck women with them.
Well, it's not quite that bad,
but Bowyer does the same thing.
He hurls down arrows at Rose
Town, freezing anyone he
strikes. Bowyer also almost ends
Geno's life until Mario saves
him. He resides in Forest Maze,
and guards the second Star
Piece. |
Punchinello |
Some people are just all about
getting their name out, and
that's exactly who Punchinello
is. He serves no real part in
the storyline of the game, and
unlike other Star Pieces
holders, guards his piece at the
beginning of the world, not end.
Punchinello resides in the Coal
Mines, and he loves Bomb-Ombs,
including his enormous sized one
to put an end to Mario... |
Jonathan "Johnny" Jones |
Johnny is the master of the sea.
Anything that he sees and wants
in the ocean is his without
doubt, and when the fifth Star
Piece falls into the water, he
snags it. Johnny runs a hoard of
pirates, and all of them live
underwater in the Sunken Ship.
Johnny loves to use a skew to
attack, and he also loves to
drink 100% Current Juice. Johnny
ends up becoming an ally of
Mario after the fight. |
Yaridovich |
Yaridovich also guards the fifth
Star Piece, after Johnny.
Originally believed to be the
elder of Seaside Town,
Yaridovich undergoes a power
transformation. Yaridovich tries
to escape, but thanks to Johnny,
he is unable to. Yaridovich
loves to use his spear, and he
can duplicate himself to dodge
some attacks. He also features
powerful spells such as Water
Blast. |
Axem Rangers |
Well, it's not that often when
the Mario series goes out and
mentions a mainstream thing, but
the Axem Rangers are all that as
the guardians of the sixth Star
Piece. They are a spoof from
your childhood: the Power
Rangers. Their leader is Axem
Red, and they hold up on their
ship, the Blade, after fleeing
Barrel Volcano. Each colored
character has their own
different abilities. |
Smithy |
Smithy is the ultimate. He's the
last boss, and guards the
seventh Star Piece, the last one
to complete the Star Road.
Smithy runs the Factory, which
produces enemies. Somehow,
someway, he's located inside
Exor. Mario fights 2 battles
with him: a straight up battle,
and then a battle where Smithy
shows his "true form" through
multiple transformations. |
Other Allies (In order of
appearance) |
Toad |
When Mario comes back from
Bowser's Castle, Toad's waiting
there. He teaches Mario about
items, Timed Hits, and other
things like that. Along the way
to the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad
has the nice little habit of
getting caught by the enemy. |
Frogfucious |
Mallow's caretaker, Frogfucious
is all knowing. He lives at
Tadpole Pond, and takes care of
all the tadpoles. Toadofski also
resides here. Frogfucious sets
Mallow on his way, gives him his
first staff, and uses his wisdom
to help the party. |
Gaz |
Gaz is just a little kid who
lives in Rose Town. When Mario
comes to visit, Gaz wants to
play with him. Mario does so,
and Gaz decides to knock his
lights out with the Geno doll.
This ends up being the point
where Mario meets Geno. Gaz also
gives Geno his first weapon, the
Finger Shot. |
Yoshi |
Well, there's actually a whole
lot of Yoshi's, but Mario can
only ride the traditional green
Yoshi. Yoshi lives on Yo'ster
Isle, and when Mario rides him,
allows him to communicate with
Yoshis of other colors. Yoshi
also races with Mario, in hopes
to let all the other Yoshis race. |
Boshi |
Boshi doesn't really seem like
an ally, but he is. Without him,
there'd be no purpose of Yo'ster
Isle! Boshi doesn't allow the
other Yoshis to race, but when
Yoshi wins, he does so. He
provides Yoshi Cookies if Mario
& Yoshi win the race. |
Raz & Raini |
It's true that they first appear
in the Mushroom Kingdom, but
that's not really where they
become allies. That takes place
in Marrymore, when they tell
Mario what has happened! The 2
young Toads are kicked out of
there own wedding, and they get
Mario to help out with the
problem. |
Jonathan "Johnny" Jones |
When the 5th Star Piece sinks
into the ocean, Johnny gets it.
Originally an enemy, Johnny
battles Mario fiercely for the
piece. Once Mario returns to
Seaside Town and is tricked by
Yaridovich, the old sea dog
helps Mario reclaim it. Johnny
also loves to drink juice. |
Jinx |
This fiery little guys loves to
fight. He runs his own dojo type
place in Monstro Town, and
accepts any challenger's
proposal to fight. Size means
nothing, as Jinx is incredibly
strong. However, when Mario
wins, Jinx swears his allegiance
with 1000 jumps, and gives Mario
the Jinx Belt. |
Culex |
Most people would disagree here,
but Culex is not an enemy. A
mighty warrior from Vanda, Culex
is unrivaled in strength and
power. He also harness the power
of the elements to his
advantage, and has powerful
attacks. Culex just wants to
fight the strongest in Mario's
world, which is Mario! |
Sergeant Flutter |
Sergeant Flutter is the leader
of a group of Paratroopas. He
doesn't really reside in Monstro
Town, but the elder calls him
from there. With the power of
the winged turtles, he allows
Mario to jump from one to one to
scale the cliff at Land's End. |
Garro |
Garro is a puffy cloud guy like
Mallow, and lives in Mallow's
real home: Nimbus Land. He's a
statue maker for the queen who
has taken over. When Mario can't
get into the castle, he has the
idea to make Mario bronzed as a
statue. |
King & Queen Nimbus |
King and Queen Nimbus are
actually Mallow's parents, which
makes Mallow a prince. They
don't really do a whole lot of
help during the game, although
they do get Jugem's Bus running,
which allows Mario to reach
Bowser's Castle after the bridge
is out. |
Croco |
Croco is orignally an enemy of
Mario throughout the whole game.
Well, at the end, he's not.
Croco becomes an ally of Mario
at Bowser's Keep. Croco sells
Mario and friends their
strongest armor, and he also
gives a hand with items. |
Opponents (In order of
appearance) |
Hammer Bros. |
The Hammer Bros. are the first
bosses that are fought in the
game. Both of them guard the
exit of Mushroom Way, which
blocks Mario & Toad from getting
to the Mushroom Kingdom. Once
beaten, Toad claims their hammer
and gives it to Mario for his
first weapon. |
Croco |
Croco becomes one of Mario's
reoccurring foes. The first
meeting is when he runs and
hides at Bandit's Way after
stealing Mallow's Frog Coin.
Croco also steals all of Mario's
items and coins in the Coal
Mines, but at the end, sells
Mario useful items and armor. |
Belome |
When Mallow has the idea to go
see Frogfucious, the group has
to pass Kero Sewers, which is
where this boss lives. He can
transform the party into
scarecrows and such, and he
loves to eat people! Belome
later comes back at his temple
near Monstro Town. |
Booster |
Some guys are just creepy, and
that pretty much describes
Booster. He's the one who got
Princess Toadstool after Exor
rained down, and has kept her in
his tower. His tower is really a
playhouse, and he tries to wed
Toadstool, much to her disliking. |
Knife Guy & Grate Guy |
This is a pairing, one doesn't
go without the other! These guys
lay in Booster's Tower, and they
are some jokesters, but fighters
as well. Individually, they're
not that strong, but when
combined, they are able to
unleash more powerful attacks. |
Bundt |
So, Booster's trying to marry
Toadstool at Marrymore, and
there's no cake? Well, kind of,
because Bundt is giant cake,
just not the typical one someone
would eat. In fact, it's alive,
and quite strong at that. Booser
is able to gobble it down, but
really, who eats a moving cake? |
King Calamari |
This guy is found in the Sunken
Ship as the boss who guards the
password room. He's a giant
squid with many annoying
tentacles. He likes to use a lot
of moves than invoke Status
Aliments, and his tentacles will
shake up the party! |
Megasmilax |
It's about time that a boss is
made from a regular enemy.
Megasmilax is a giant Smilax,
which is similar to a classic
Piranha Plant. Megasmilax lies
in Land's End, and he buds from
a plant. He likes to use moves
that cause the party to be
turned into Mushrooms. |
Dodo and Valentina |
Dodo and Valentina are the
prince and queen of Nimbus Land.
Well, not really, but after
locking up the real king and
queen, they made the townspeople
believe they were. Dodo likes
the one on one battles while
Valentina takes on the whole
party. |
Czar Dragon |
This boss is found in Barrel
Volcano. He has two forms, one
of which he is a dragon of pure
fire and everything that is a
volcano. Afterwards, he takes a
deathly look to him, as he's
just a shell of himself - all
bones. Czar Dragon has a lot of
powerful moves as well. |
Boomer |
Boomer is found at Bowser's
Keep, the second time. The only
way to get to the top to fight
Exor is to go through him, which
Mario must do. He fights Mario
just like Bowser - on the
chandeliers in the castle.
Instead of going down, Boomer
makes the chandeliers go up to
reach the roof. |
Exor |
Exor is probably the biggest
non-star piece boss there is. He
is the giant sword that crashed
into Bowser's Keep, destroying
the Star Road in the process. He
features his 2 eyes, his mouth,
and his handle. He's the only
boss that the 9999 Hp Geno Whirl
attack works on. |
Countdown / Cloaker & Domino |
All of these bosses can be
grouped, because they all do the
same thing: they all try to get
in the way of Mario while he's
making his way through the gate.
Countdown's a giant clock, and
the other 2 are just some out of
the ordinary bosses. |
Gun Yolk |
Gun Yolk is the last boss before
Smithy. It's actually a machine
crafted in the Factory, but it
is very powerful nonetheless.
Gun Yolk uses a powerful beam in
hopes of taking Mario out, but
after all, it's just a machine,
right? |