Getting to the Minus World is
just strange. It's amazing what
steps need to be taken, because
they seem so out of place.
Either way, it's the only way to
get there.
The first thing you need to do
is get to level 1-2, the first
underground level. Proceed
through the level, but you must
be Super Mario at the end. Once
you reach the pipe, do not go in
it. Stand on it, and you'll be
able to reach the blocks.
However, you only need to break
the 2nd and 3rd blocks from the
right of the pipe.
You can actually just break the
2nd block, but it's easier if
you also break the 3rd. The next
thing you need to do is face
left. Jump backwards and try to
have Mario's head hit the lower
left corner of the 1st block. If
done correctly, Mario will start
to slide through the blocks, as
shown below:

You don't need to press
anything, so just let him slide.
When he's finished, all you need
to do is go down the first pipe
to reach the Minus World. The
other pipes will lead you to
different places, so you don't
really need to go through them.
You'll notice the similarity
between level 2-2 and this epic
glitch. Congratulations on
getting there! |